80-90% of women are affected by this difficult issue, but no
one talks about it! Hormones are complicated, but Dr. Kristin
Dawson demystifies and gives options on this podcast
about PMDD.
PMDD is a diagnosis that's been
around for less than a decade, but it affects literally hundreds of
millions of women around the world every month. 8-10% of the
women have the formal diagnosis, but 80-90% experience some
symptoms that could be improved with lifestyle, tracking, and some
pretty simple interventions.
In this episode we talk about it, how to diagnose, and what to
do about it. This is just the beginning of a focus we're
going to be taking on women's health.
About the Podcast
The biggest questions in human performance, health, and longevity answered by those in the know.
Hosted by Drs. Mike Mallin, Matt Dawson, and friends.